Wednesday, August 22, 2012

London Ambassador Training

The family had 3 great training days learning how to help tourists.  We met other ambassadors from all over England and some from abroad.  Over 36,000 people applied and 8,000 were selected.

We played all sorts of games and had to act out helping different types of people.  Grandma Mouse had to pretend to help someone who could not speak English.

At the 2nd training day we went to Stratford International Station.  We worked in teams of 9 and had all sorts of quizzes and films about London as well as role playing activities.  Grandpa Mouse's table came third!
Grandpa Mouse was in heaven
3 x 9 are 27
We also watched training videos by John Lewis about customer care.

Our 3rd day of training took place at the place we were to be based at.  Mother Mouse was at Liverpool Street Station and Father Mouse was at Trafalgar Square.  We had to go around and find out where places were.  We were not sure what questions we were likely to be asked but guessed that people would need to know where toilets, cash machines, restaurants and transports was as well as what tourist attractions were nearby

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